Taking on a controversial documentary is a risky business.

Partly because connecting a food item or chemical to the risk of cancer, diabetes, or heart disease, is measured in terms of percentages with all people, irregardless of genetic makeup or current dietary and lifestyle factors. And it’s also risky because we don’t know the motive or truthfulness of the documentary filmmakers.

So, I am already second-guessing my opinions about this documentary. And furthermore, we know only what we know in this year, 2017. And is it true knowledge or is it our best guess?
All this is enough to make our collective heads spin. But you are welcome to watch this documentary (you may want to close your eyes when it gets to the part about the animal cruelty) and formulate your own opinion. Food for thought.

“What the Health” can be found on Netflix, and undoubtedly other places as well.

There is a podcast from Malcolm Gladwell that also speaks to this issue of food research reliability. It can be found here.

I mention a previous podcast episode of my own regarding relative protein quality. You can listen by clicking here.

This article reviews the documentary and criticizes the filmmaker for his one-sided approach, while admitting that food-related chronic illness is a serious issue in our country.
As always you can reach me with your questions on my website contact page. If you would like to inquire about working with me on your own wellness plan, you can reach me on my contact page as well.