This week I read the Democratic and Republican party platforms: both because you wouldn’t have to and because I wanted to see exactly what they had to say about our right to eat healthy and safe food.
It also turns out that our right to eat safe food is written right into the Constitution, as it should be. But the Democrats and Republicans are far apart when it comes to specifically what they want to accomplish, using food as a political football.
First, I explain how much easier it is to subscribe to my podcast on IOS and android. If you have an iPhone, there is a new app called Apple podcasts. On android, there is a new app called Google podcasts. They are not too imaginative, but easy to find.
I went looking for anything I could find from 2018 on how the two political parties stand up when it comes to nutrition and food safety, and found almost nothing. I did come across a podcast called “Plate of the union” that can be found on IOS and android (see above).
There is a New York Times article from 2016 that compares the two party platforms with regard to nutrition and food science. They also cover the SNAP, or food stamp program.The link to the article can be found here.