I thought I would review a book that describes a specific meditation technique brought to us from India, so that you can get a feel for how mainstream it can be.

This book is called meditation as medicine, and I recommend getting the audiobook version of it If you’re interested in this meditation.
The author, Dhama Singh Khalsa, MD, converted to Sikhism. but describes this meditation as a spiritual technique rather than a religion.
He goes into detail describing a form of meditation that works with the seven chakras. A very good description of the chakras as it relates to Indian philosophy, can be found in this article.

He then gives specific examples of four different meditations that he practices himself. Unlike other books on meditation that describe how you will feel when you meditate, the author gives you some insight as to why vibratory sounds in mantras are beneficial from a biomedical standpoint. The medical nerdiness in me found that interesting.

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